From Classroom to Career
Course Summary
With a precipitous drop in job postings, recent engineering graduates are facing unprecedented employment challenges. OSPE wants to help bridge the gap from classroom to career by offering tools new engineering graduates and EITs can use to get hired in an engineering career related position. Additionally, this workshop will provide the job seeker the confidence in dealing with and demystifying authority as well as alternative job search tactics to sending out a resume. This workshop will provide the new engineering graduate or EIT with faster integration into the professional engineering workforce in Ontario and will include the following:
- How to set-up your profile so you show up at the top LinkedIn search results and how to get found by company managers and HR recruiters
- Building confidence when you feel intimidated by a lack of perceived skill or experience and how to stay invigorated and optimistic in the job hunt
- How to find and how to contact the right professionals to uncover hidden jobs
- Getting more interviews by adding Must Have keywords and key phrases you don’t have in your resume without lying and how to deal with any questions that arise
- How to challenge “…we are looking for someone with experience” objection and how to demonstrate you have the right stuff by using non-engineering experience to match the specific competencies/demands of an employer
- SMARTSearch emails, cover letters and decision maker alerts that get you hired
- How to nudge employers to interview you and get to the front of line by establishing a pre-interview rapport after applying to a job
Paul Hill