The Panic Free Job Search
What if you could wake up every morning energized and eager to take on your work challenges? What if you loved your job, work, or career? What if you could get the edge over your competition and land the job you really want? What if you could be irresistible to employers and have employers chasing after you? What if you could have financial security and never, ever have to look for another job again? Do you think you would be healthier, wealthier, and happier? Get ready to find out!
“Transition expert Paul Hill changes the conversation about how to get hired with his innovative use of social media.”— Libby Gill, best-selling author of You Unstuck
“A tool every career professional needs. Paul Hill’s The Panic Free Job Search shows you step by step how to navigate the “New Job Search” and how to leverage the web and social networking to get hired.”— Amy Levinson, executive vice president, Guerrilla Marketing International
“I have read Paul Hill’s book and found it not only helpful, well thought out, and informative but actually MUST reading for all seeking new employment or a career change. Hill recommends seeking first your inner self so as to find direction for what you really want, then helps you strengthen your confidence, and finally presents a host of tactics to achieve your goal of the correct job. I will present his text to my students and recommend they read and take to heart his spot-on messages.”— Dr. Don Griffin, Assistant Professor, Texas State University
“Paul Hill’s The Panic Free Job Search is a savvy resource for anyone looking to get a job, keep the job they have, restart their career, or prepare for the next corporate restructuring. It’ll fire you up with proven tactics to get the job and income you need.”— Rick Frishman, author of Guerrilla Marketing for Writers and Where’s Your Wow
“Powerful! The game has changed for jobseekers. This book gives you a distinct competitive advantage.”— Chip Sawicki author of The Gift of Success and Happiness
Rolf Dobelli “getAbstract” (Switzerland)
“The rules for finding a job have changed. Sending your résumé to headhunters, applying for jobs online or responding to advertisements are time wasters. Instead, recruiter Paul Hill shows you how to create a professional online presence – a “ProfessionaliBrand” – that tells future employers who you are and why they should hire you. Hill’s job-hunting advice starts with a foray into self-help with recommendations for techniques you can use to build confidence and overcome negative emotions that impede your ability to get a job. Some readers will benefit from this kick-off, while others may find it off-putting, but anyone who is job hunting can learn from Hill’s far more extensive advice about making the most of your résumé, your online activities and your ability to network. getAbstract recommends his guidance to those searching for a job or for a career change that really fits.”
Salvador SeBasco, Book Critic, Literary Director, Host of THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW, (CNN Affiliate Station–KNLE)
“When job searchers hit the panic button, what prospective employers see is a frazzled candidate whose actions are anything other than what mutual benefit their skill-set offers. Why not enter, then into, THE PANIC FREE JOB SEARCH (Career Press)? The edge on the competition is, after all, the confidence one has; to take the edge off the prospective employers nerves that their needs won’t be met. The last thing they need is a panicked candidate. Easier said than done, but author Paul Hill’s mastery of the subject is not so typical. THE PANIC FREE JOB SEARCH is cram pack with gems of real-time wisdom about social networking; divulging secrets upon secrets of what is looked for from written and spoken communications (not a time to be tongue-tied, when the future is as sensitive as threading a needle with time). Simply, my favorite part is chapter 4’s ‘The Secret to Certainty and Confidence.’ Hill’s intellectual architecture is also fascinating early on; for instance on page 43, ‘Sustainable Competitive Advantage’ shown at Image 2.1. In a world full of panic button pushers comes a 246 pages book that says, ‘Why?’ when by others are saying ‘Why me?’ THE PANIC FREE JOB SEARCH provides the tools necessary for prospective candidate to get in a time machine to the future of social networking which we already live in now and, with a few simply ins and outs, (author Paul Hill) provides readers the directions to blast off from old bad habits of jon searching and, instead, land panic free onto the unchartered territory of strategic communications with today’s social networking. Only then will panicked readers know their way from the ‘fight and flight’ of today’s competitive job search market.”
Wayne Hurlbert, Blog Business World
“No longer will you have to settle for a job that is available to you simply because you need a paycheck. Nor is it about what is hot or good, but rather about what excites you and what you can make money at, while getting a thrill. writes career transition expert, coach, speaker, and founder of ADV Advanced Technical Services Inc., Paul Hill, in his very practical and results oriented book The Panic Free Job Search: Unleash the Power of the Web and Social Networking to Get Hired. The author describes how to leverage the power of social media to uncover the hidden job market, to become more visible to employers utilizing advanced tools, and find the job that you really want….”
Dad of Divas Review
“Especially in today’s society where social networking is paramount to being connected and to networking, this book throws down the gauntlet and allows the potential job seeker to see some of the inner secrets to best using social networking to find a job. The book was well written and offers great advice that will assist anyone that is going through a job search to change the way that they are thinking about how they can or should be searching for and finding a job. This is the type of book that I can see anyone going through the job search should read as it will open their eyes to so many new ways of doing things that will make them so much more marketable and able to find employment in this unstable job market….” Read more
YUE,, book purchaser
“Excellent book for job search. This book is a very good material for job seeker, especially the Chapter 6 which tells you about how to build your own resume. I highly recommend fresh graduate to read this book.”
Sheila Haus,, book purchaser
“Instant results !!! Amazing insight into the stress free job search/transition. Paul Hill was able to break down the search into easy steps with good wit. Would recommend this book for any one that wants to take charge of their career and not be in transition again. I highly recommend it…it works and I have received multiple job offers. I bought the Kindle version for myself and have given out hard copies as gifts.”
Julianna H.,, book purchaser
“This book is a real deal. Most books don’t live up to the hype on the back cover. I was more than surprised -I was expecting a heavy read not so, the book has a great “voice”, is funny and packed full of great information backed up by studies and citations. The book does not only introduce novel ideas on how to get hired, the real “how to do it” – not just what to do. The author also supports his readers with a live show every week and the book leads you to tons of resources on his web site […] . He shows you how to open up the world of opportunities and bring jobs to your doorstep instead of chasing jobs.
This book actually has helped me with my recent job search tremendously. It not only tells you how to look for the right job but also helps you put things into perspective for yourself and focus on “what’s important”. Paul Hill shows you how to not only get the good jobs but also get the RIGHT jobs for you! I recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone out there trying to improve their professional lives.”
Rogerio S. Boaventura,, book purchaser
“A great push! It’s amazing how the author condensed methods and tips to succeed in a job search, building a compelling manual from many interesting and updated sources.”
Nancy J,, book purchaser
“Great advice. We had heard great things on the radio about this book; ordered it for our out of work son, and he said it gave him great up-to-date advice which helped him answer some of the recently popular questions . He got a job a month later.”
Cindy Larose,, book purchaser
“I have read my share of career and job search books. This one is full of laughs and super advice. It picks you up, gives you the confidence to reach for more and shows you how to target what you want and how to lay out your full internet, social and engagement strategy and tactics to get employers interested in you. Love the way he brings it all together in an easy to understand format. He has this system called A-C-T… I won’t ruin it for you :).”
James Conrad,, book purchaser
“It is so true how everyone goes into a panic when they lose their job. Paul Hill shows in the book how to end the cycle of getting hired and then looking for another job. He demonstrates how you can be pro-active about career management and end that cycle. There is so much great information is this book, don’t be mislead by the title, it is not only for the unemployed but for people that are seeking a change, or not sure what to do. This book has me re-thinking things. It is fresh stuff, full of tips and ‘how-tos’ about the web and social network sites and social media. I have read What Color is Your Parachute, but I like this book more, it is a full A to Z of job search and career management but updated for the times. Can’t wait for his next book! I’m a fan.”
Shahjahan Siddique,, book purchaser
“I ordered this book right away after I heard live video presentation of Paul Hill on 21st march,2012 because I am unemployed right now and seeking for a professional job . According to Paul, this book is really helpful for the jobseeker not only for unemployed people but also who want to change their career. I strongly believe it will also guide me to get a professional job.”
Doug Watson,, book purchaser
” I first got introduced to the author through a show called Get Hired Fast Track he has on vokle every week to help job hunters. I liked the stuff he talked about networking so he said there was much more on networking in the book. It is true it is packed he has a whole chapter just on networking – which is super for someone who is shy like me.”
Vincent Graziano,, book purchaser
“I really like the Smart Search part of the book where you learn how to do direct targeting – it really turned my job search around – it worked for me I got a job.”
Ralph Lamatz,, book purchaser
“The beginning of the book is powerful ‘it takes you through a process of alignment and figuring out who you are, your SCA ‘Sustainable Competitive Advantage and what you want in a job. I was surprised how well it helped me figure what I want and the chapter on confidence is also very helpful.”
Christopher Demerah, General Manager Automotive Trim Plant
“If you have a job or if you are looking for a new job, you need to pick up Paul’s book ‘The Panic Free Job Search: Unleash the Power of the Web and Social Networking to Get Hired‘. I am one of the lucky one’s who got to read it and use it prior to publishing. Believe me I am living proof, you need his strategies and insights to guarantee your job search success and make sure you are continuously job empowered. Don’t give your power away to your employer learn from Paul and the anxiety and fear of job loss is a thing of the past.“