Based on the principles of Napoleon Hill from his book Think and Grow Rich, a Mastermind group can help you get through the challenges of a job search or the obstacles to stepping-up in your career.
How a job search and career mastermind can help you?
A group of professionals meet at least once a month to discuss individual challenges, problems, and obstacles with members of the group in order to find solutions. The group members count on each other for input, advice, and expertise. They share their network and close connections with each other. A job search and career mastermind can be characterized as professional-to-professional coaching and mentoring and your membership in one will undoubtedly help you get ahead in reaching your career goals including landing that elusive next great job.
Benefits of a Job Search and Career Mastermind
Accountability: Active membership in an exclusive group of professionals committed and dedicated to advancing their careers.
Mentorship: You are no longer alone navigating a tough job search or mapping out your next career move. You can lean on other members to get advice as well as offer and share your own career insights.
Alliance: One or more members may be the perfect match for stepping out and starting a new business or project. Identifying and partnering with a member in order to conduct a job search together, by meeting in person and executing together can be a lot more fun than simply being alone at home, day in and day out, staring at a computer all day.
Sharing connections: Having a group dedicated to job search and career advancement focuses the members on identifying and introducing connections in their wider network that can help advance members’ career agendas. Your network will expand quickly and networking will become less of an effort.
Problem solving: Professionals have uniquely developed short cuts and best practices in job search which they are willing to share. By sharing challenges, everyone learns and creative and surprising solutions to problems are overcome.
Promotion: Members will promote each other to professionals outside the group, to employers and to decision makers in their network. When one member lands a job often the new employee will reach out to his/her mastermind to recommend members for jobs or simply to introduce them to decision makers at his/her new employer.
Career Success: With the support of their dedicated mastermind partners and with a well defined goal setting and accountability process set-up in the mastermind group, members will reach for bigger jobs and attain higher career goals.
A job search and career mastermind can be just the tonic you need to knock you out of your job search or career complacency and get you back into the playing-to-win mindset you will need to land that next great job or that next big promotion.
You spend most of your life being engaged in your work therefore it makes sense to invest in you, reaching for a better job and advancing your career through a membership in a job search and career mastermind!
Paul Hill is the author of The Panic Free Job Search published by Career Press and this international best selling book is available in all great bookstores and online. Interested in joining a Job Search and Career Mastermind? Go to and click on the Transition to Hired Mastermind Group logo for more information. If you need help in setting up your own mastermind or are seeking job search training please call Paul at 416-831-6964.